I was very fortunate to know about Brazil, the social Brazil. I wonder why we still count this Latin American giant in the developing block. I dont find anymore reason to not consider Samba in the developed league. You may be thinking why i am fielding for this very country. Well my answer for you will be BOLSA FAMILIA. I know you are confused, thats the very first stage soon it will give way to recognition and admiration.
Let me compare Brazil from an Indian perspective, that would make things look more comfortable. The percent of GDP spent by a nation to meet the neeeds of its various sectors or spheres is a benchmark to evalute a country's will power to arise in the global arena. As far concerned with social sphere the most important wealth of any country is its citizens and it goes well down with the case of Brazil who spent nearly 10 percent of its GDP in health and education compared to 4.1 percent in India.
The Brazilian government recently introduced innumerable social security programmes, most of them succeeded in transforming the society to achieve its target and Bolsa Familia which i mentioned earlier is a component of a larger social security programme. The political will is so large that the country has succeeded to consolidate its gain achieved through out the period. The food security in Brazil is commendable with many popular restaurents serving highly nutritous food(a menu containing fish, chicken,sausage, beans,salad, fresh fruit juice and a fruit) for just one Brazilian Real, equivalent to 30 INR.
The conditional cash transfer scheme integrated with education, health and concept of empowerment was highly successful in stemming the school drop outs. In the health sector the institutional delivery is encouraged and the result is decreased Infant and Maternal Mortality Rate. Women were made the beneficiary of money under conditional cash transfers that elevated their status and clout as family managers.
One of the serious problem faced by the emerging countries in the present world is the ever increasing mismatch between 'Haves and Have Nots', in simple terms the fruit of economic growth has not reached in its actual proportion to the poor in these countries. Here again Brazil is an excepton with only around 10 percent of its population under poverty status while in India nearly 40 percent of the population are reeling under extreme poverty.
Brazil is slowly flexing its muscles, it will be accurate to say that Brazil is an emerging wellfare state. Yes Brazil is impressive!!!
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